Venezuela - Los Llanos

Photos of Roraima and the tepuis of Venezuela

Photos and tales of a hike to the top of Roraima

The first known trip to the top of Roraima was made in 1884 by Im Thurn. Thurn made lectures about his expedition in London. One of these lectures was attended by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was so impressed by what he'd heard that he wrote a novel based on Roraima, which he entitled "The Lost World", first published in 1912.

Sir Walter Raleigh published a book entitled "The Discoverie of the Large and Rich Territorie of Guyana" in 1596, in which he mentions a "crystal mountain" now thought to be Roraima.

I hope you enjoy my photos of Roraima Tepui in Venezuela.

There always seems to be clouds between Roraima and Kukenan tepuis. Late in the day the clouds there increase in size and rise to engulf the top of Roraima.
photo of roraima tepui in venezuela
A photo of Kukenan tepui.
a photo
of kukenan tepui

This photo looks back at a particularly steep part of the climb very close to the top of Roraima.
a photo
taken near the top of roraima

The views near the top of Roraima are beautiful.
a photo
taken near the top of roraima

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