Roraima Tepui in Venezuela

Roraima Tepui in Venezuela

Photos and tales of Roraima Tepui in Venezuela

The indians have many superstitions about the Roraima and Kukenan tepuis. People have been lost on the tepuis and never again been found. It is very easy to get disoriented in direction on top and become lost. Late in the day it is common for clouds to engulf the top, making it a bad time to be lost, particularly since it becomes very cold after dark. One superstition has it that shouting attracts clouds and fog and that this explains why people have been lost and never found.

I hope you enjoy my photos of Roraima Tepui in Venezuela.

Part of the mysterious aspect of Roraima is the mist which moves frequently across the top, often along with bright sunshine overhead which gives an eerie feeling to the place.
and trees on top of roraima
Another of the interesting sights on Roraima is this sinkhole with a waterfall dropping down into the crystal clear pool at the bottom. It's possible to enter the pit through a cave and swim in the pool and shower in the waterfall. This sinkhole is about 8-9 meters deep.
sinkhole with a waterfall dropping into it on top of roraima in venezuela

The top of Roraima is full of interesting plants, including many carnivorous plants. But there isn't much animal life there. There is, however, a unique species of very tiny frogs. These frogs don't jump like frogs typically do, but crawl.
a frog 
on roraima
The borders of three countries meet at the top of Roraima. At Triple Point, it's possible to step from country to countay - Venezuela, Brazil, and Guayana.
photo of triple point on roraima in venezuela

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